Sunday, October 9, 2011

Bucket List #'s 76-100

76-Take a mud bath

77-Smash a guitar after successfully playing something that I've been practicing for weeks

78-This one was going to be "Listen through all the music on my iPod in one sitting." But I realized that doing that would take 11 days... So instead "Listen through all the music on my iPod at least once."

79-Write a book

80-Graduate high school

81-Get over 99 notifications on Facebook. So far I've got to 41 at the most

82-Over 300 friends on Facebook. Knowing only 230 people gets lonely...


83-Travel to all 50 states and do something memorable in each

84-Kiss the girl of my dreams

85-Cover a rap song

86-Act of random kindness. Pay for someones item because they don't have enough for it. It gotta be something I would buy though

87-Meet the president of the united states

88-I forgot what type of "race" this one was called... It's where you pretty much play bumper cars with real cars but the cars are crap and the objective is to basically destroy your opponents car. Whatever it's called, I want to do it

89-Learn how to skateboard

90-Headline a show with my band that is not created yet

91-Make a song that makes it onto itunes somehow

92-Can you (the reader) make a #92 for me? Leave a comment below, comment the post on facebook when I post and share it, or inbox me on facebook? I'll pick the best one! And of course mention any others I get. Please? Thanks!!!

93-Go diamond digging

94-Walk that ginormous stair case I saw when I was in Hawaii. That thing went ALL the way up to the top of the mountain. And this mountain was huge

95-Be in a Teddy3productions video

96-Serenade someone..

97-Go scuba diving! I want to be in a cage and have sharks on the outside

98-Go parachute surfing

99-Start a rumor & incorporate this one with #28.
(#28-Be on the news. (CNN, Fox,, etc))

100-Write every friend I have on facebook a nice little post on how I met them. This one was my friend Jake's idea

I'm gettin' low on ideas! But I think the way a bucket list works is that you think of more as you cross them out :) I've already written 100, I think I'll make more once I'm done with at least 25 of them.

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