Random fact:
I was not quite developed into down-strumming quickly on my guitar. If that didn't make sense, I just couldn't keep up with most blink-182 songs and yellowcard songs I played along to with my sweet guitar.
Now onto better things.
I've been working (as you may have read in one of my last posts) and it's all good. Life is good. Work is good. My bank account is looking substantial...ly AMAZING!! So yeah. It's all good
But it can always improve.
I think after I graduate high school, I'm gonna move it on over to Anchorage or some city and get a freakin' radical apartment. Ya know, just to get the feel of living on my own before I move onto bigger things. Like a college. Or being a major rockstar. (joke) (insert sound of crickets here) (no this post is not my graduation speech)
That's what I'm shooting for anyway. Things change, times change, blah blah blah. Right now I'm focused on not missing any more work, and later finishing high school. Not a bad idea right? I'd like to make an absurd amount of money. Just to have. And spend. Spending money is great. Like concerts.
I may be hitting up the Alaska State Fair again. Quite possibly.
Now I know what your thinking, the fair is in the middle of August and school will have started by then and I will miss school like it died and went away. wait a sec.. no i won't. But still, I'll be absent. How am I supposed to graduate high school if I'm gonna be missing school and lollygaggin' with my homies at the state fair?! I'll figure that out.
Allow me to explain my average day at work.
At first, my job was to decontaminate the trucks that backed into contaminated soil to dump dirty dirt. VERY slow job. They dump dirt, we scrub the tires with brushes, the truck leaves, we wait for the next truck.
Def con level 3 suckage.
But that was when I first started my job. I then became a PCB sampler (PCB is a contaminant or something..) I'd recieve a dainty little zip-loc bag with a brawny little spoon and a nice pair of rubber boots that go over my steel-toe boots and protect them from being contaminated. I call them duckies. Just because they're yellow and when we'd dress up in our white tyvek suits we'd look like Donald Duck without his first-class blue vest. Then we'd trek into the contaminated soil to scoop the dirt. And VOILĂ€! I'm sampling. Its a decent job. It keeps me active and what not.
I sampled for like two weeks straight before I was downgraded back to a decon guy. Although it felt nice to go from walking around in contaminated dirt all day, to doing nothing once again. And that's what I'm doing now. You learn to love it.
Other days, when there is nothing to do on the job site, we fill sand bags. With sand. Clean, uncontaminated sand. The sand bags are used as a type of paperweight to keep a very large tarp called a "liner" down on the pile of dirt that the trucks dump dirt in. We have to pull the liner off and on daily to ensure the stockpile of dirt is protected. The sand bags weigh like 34.5 pounds. I think. And carrying them around can sometimes be a workout.
That's all I've been doing during my time at work. I've tried a couple of other things, but thats mainly what I do. But I haven't sampled in like 2 weeks. I'm really starting to miss it. I may just request to my SSO (site safety officer) that I want to become a sampler again. Perhaps.
So theres an update on myself. Josh. Kosbruk. The guy that got spit on by Ivan Moody of the metal band Five Finger Death Punch. Okay now I'm just stalling.
Carrying those sand bags have granted me with a bit more muscle in my arms (mainly forearm) and I can now down-strum to quick blink-182 songs :D
Like Dammit ^
And The Rock Show ^
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