Monday, June 13, 2011

Bittersweet Memories

It is 3:23 AM when I started this...

Insomnia is eating me alive. I stay up later than the night before every night. Last night I stayed up til 7ish. And the night before it was like 5:30ish. And the nights before that I always fell asleep at around this time, 3:23 AM.

Advantages to this: ZERO!!

- I can't wake up at a decent hour to go to "work" (Hang nets, boat work,,etc) Well I mostly hang nets.

-I wake up at 4 in the after-frickin-noon.

I guess one advantage is I can talk to people on skype and facebook. The downside to that is that no one is hardly on skype and my "friendsies" on facebook aren't online either. Just the "anoyying people" list is high-lighted green indicating that the "anoyying people" are online. I talk to them anyways because they don't seem as anoyying as they are when it is earlier in the day.

Right now I am watching MTV because I love this channel around this time of night. Mainly because Ronnie from Jersey Shore is on a commercial about some pill and he says, "Hey guys I'm Ronnie from Jersey Shore, and keepin' it real is what it's all about..." That is the funniest thing. He needs to lay off the roids. Right now I am listening to Marriage to Millions by Cute Is What We Aim For. (Thanks Madison (:) I used to listen to them back in like 2007.. I stopped because my teacher, Ms. Koury, said she liked them a lot. She was into the most catchy bubblegum music ever, it was sickening. I'm pretty sure that's why I stopped. Ha. Ha. Ha.

I used to love the cheesiest "college" music EVER! When I say "college" music, I mean stuff like Sum 41, or blink-182. Because most of their music is about summer time, partying, and going away from your best friends to another town. Oh yeah...

Me and my bro Softo moved to Port Heiden about 12 years ago. I was 5 years old. Just a little chap. Still in the "Whoa look at this! Then show the person a thing that is useless to them but is a freakin golden ticket to me, like an awesome helmet with flame vinyls.." phase.  We've been here before we officially moved here though. So it wasn't too hard moving away from Kenai to here, we had family and friends here already. I had no idea why we moved. I was too young to understand anything in the world, I was waaay too distracted by pretending I was Wolverine from X-Men and softo being the helpless victim. Haha I totally just LOL'd. Good times... And THIS was when I met Peter. He says he's known me from birth. I was 5 years old when we met. Well, seen each other. My most favorite memory with this guy was when me, Softo, mom, Peter and his mom were at the Northway Mall in the ghetto part of Anchorage (The reason I say "ghetto" is because there are bullet holes on the side of the mall. No joke.) and Peter had to use the bathroom BADLY! I'll stop right there for the sake of Peter's existence. And I'm pretty sure you think you know what happened from just that one sentence.. But trust me, you're not even close. xD It was way funny.

I saw in someones blog in which they included their "recently purchased music" in the end of there blog... So why not?

Recently Purchased Music in iTunes:
Bruno Mars
Travie McCoy
and Paramore

Paramore's new single is so sick it is sweet. It's called "Monster." I also downloaded Cute Is What We Aim For from a website. I could've easily asked my sister Amber for their CD's, but I am desperate for new music. So desperate I bought Ke$ha's 2-album-one-price deal. She's alright.

I don't know what to name this blog post, so I'm going to put a song name, since this post is pretty randomly put together.

I corrected myself in the sentence "I saw in someones blog..." It originally said "I seen in someones blog..." but for some reason I remembered what my teacher, Master Plan (A.K.A. Master P,) said,

"You didn't see the caribou, you SAW the caribou."

Haha that was a funny conversation.

P.S. to the P.S.
The title/song I chose for this post kinda fits and makes sense.

P.S. to the P.S. of the previous P.S.
Me and Morgan were on a team when we were playing Halo and Softo and James were on the other team. James and Softo were winning and rubbing it in our faces. We did not enjoy this. Then, after an explosion of skill bursted out of my head and into the focus of my game, me and Morgan totally DOMINATED James and Softo. We freakin killed them so hard. I did it for the glory. Ok, bye now.

Finished: 4:20 AM

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