Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Sun

I looked at my stats on my blog, and it says, "Romania:  3"...

I LOVE Romania. I like the history it holds, the name.... I even say it like Romans would. I say the "Ro-" part as if I were a purring cat, and the "mania" part like "Mane-Yuh." Try it!!

I don't know what I honestly like about Romania. I may have just got excited because I'm getting views from all over the freakin' place A.K.A. the world, like Germany and Italy. I like Italians. They're funny. And I know 3 views from the Romans is like nothing compared to some of you reading this. You are way more interesting.

Today the thing in the sky showed it's bright, burning yellow face. I think it shined yesterday, but for like a half hour. Typical. And I think the sunshine in Alaska is somewhat different than any other place. Like if you live in, say, Florida, and you take a picture of you and a friend with your backs facing the sun and camera is focused on your beautiful face and sparkly eyes, the sun will SHINE like there is no tomorrow. AND it will make your picture of you and your friends face look like you are immortal Gods/Godesses. Meanwhile in Alaska, with the same situation with you, your friend, and a camera, the sun will darken for some reason. And what you are expecting to be a bittersweet memento, will actually turn out to be a disgusting, toned down, hell spun artifact that looks as if that black thing from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban went ahead and sucked the life out of all the freshness and colors right out of your hind heads just before you get done clicking the "SNAP" button that takes the picture for you. It's true.


I'm just glad the sun stopped by for a visit. It will be departing back down to the states where everything else is happening. Like epic concerts, awesome parties (Not that I don't want to go..) and some other crazy fun stuff that juvenile delinquets can get into. The sun would rather go watch a bunch of awesomeness HAPPEN than stay up here in AK watching awesomeness sit still, like the good view of the mountains and the grey ocean...

I have a picture of this "Death" effect on my new iPod touch that my mom got me, (Love you mom) but I don't know how to put it on this blog. So I guess you're stuck with that description that I explained to you in the third paragraph, with the death eater from Harry Potter just floating around behind you, eating things up and sucking the life out of pure vegetation and color. Sorry I'm still a noob kind of. I don't really have a manager to promote me to "Padawan of Blog" or anything above that.. So until I find someone to promote me, I'm stuck being a noob.

Death Effect: No color but grey and black with a hint of sadness...


  1. Hey Josh...
    Romans... come from Rome, ITaly.
    Romanians come from Romania.
    you probably just offended someone.
    ha (:

    anyway. i thoroughly enjoyed your descriptions (:
